Give Assistance
This page is for architects and other built environment professionals licensed and located in Australia wishing to offer pro bono or reduced fees advice and services to those who lost their homes or community assets in a natural disaster or other adverse circumstances.
We encourage built outcomes that are
- architecturally considered
- owner-builder friendly
- resilient in natural disasters
- built with sustainable materials
- compact and spatially efficient
- affordable and beautiful.
To sign up, you must be:
- currently qualified/licensed to provide services in Australia,
- physically located in Australia.
If you have any other queries, you can contact us via
Architects Assist Registration Form
New member sign up
Signing up is a 2-step process:
- First, please register your user account
- then create your listing in your user dashboard
Your listing will enable Institute staff to refer your practice. An assessment will be made about the urgency and nature of each project requiring assistance, which will be carefully considered before connecting an architect or built-environment professional to each project.
Additionally, the Institute is developing CPD competencies for built-environment professionals to assist with the triaging process for referrals in the event of a disaster.
Existing members
If you are an existing member, you can manage your listings and profile in Dashboard.